eDDA / DDA GIRO Authorization


PART 1: To be completed by applicant

Please provide us with the bank account details of which your salary is credited into to apply for this GIRO service.

Name of Bank ("BANK") :
Name of Billing Organisation ("BO") :
My/Our Bank Account No. :
Branch's Name :
Payment Limit (Maximum amount to be deducted per transaction) :


a) The Borrower hereby authorizes the BO, (UEN No. ) to debit the Borrower's loan repayments through the DDA Giro Service from the above mentioned bank account in consideration of the loan/s granted by . These payments include the principal sum, interest, late fees (if applicable) and late interest (if applicable).
b) In respect of the amount payable by the Borrower arising from his loan contracts with , an irrevocable authorization will be given to his/her personal and/or corporate bank to transfer the payment to the designated account by the BO. The Borrower agrees that this irrevocable authorization shall take the form of a standing instruction and/or interbank GIRO, and will be submitted by the BO, on behalf of the Borrower to the bank.
c) While any loan is still active, this irrevocable authorization given by the Borrower to the Bank shall not be amended and/or revoked without prior written consent from .
d) The Borrower fully understands and authorizes the BO to recover via GIRO deduction, the full sum of the loan amount, interest and late charges incurred should the Borrower dishonour his/her loan contract repayment term.
e) This authorization is applicable to all and any future loans granted to the Borrower by .
f) The Borrower accepts that it is his/her full responsibility to update of any changes in regards to the crediting of his/her salary (i.e. Mode of salary payment / switched bank account in which salary is credited into) while any loan is still active.


a) I, the Borrower, have read through the above and fully understand the contents in English or other language as explained by the BO and agree to the terms and conditions.
b) I declare that, at the time of this application, the above information given by me is true to the best of my knowledge.
Name as in Bank Record ("BORROWER") :
Signature as in Bank Record : Date :

PART 2: For 's Records

Added into Google GIRO Database
Reference No.
First 5 digits of IC/FIN - No. of applications


PART 1: FOR APPLICANT'S COMPLETION (fill in the spaces indicated with ✔)
Date: Name of Billing Organisation ("BO"):
✔ _______________________________ _______________________________
To: Name of Bank: Billing Organisation's Customer's Name:
✔ _______________________________ ✔ _______________________________
Branch: Billing Organisation's Customer's Reference Number:
✔ _______________________________ ✔ _______________________________
    Payment Limit (maximum amount to be
    deducted per transaction basis):
✔ _______________________________
(a) I/We hereby instruct you to process the BO's instructions to debit my/our account.
(b) You are entitled to reject the BO's debit instruction if my/our account does not have sufficient funds and charge me/us a fee for this. You may also at your discretion allow the debit even if this results in an overdraft on the account and impose charges accordingly.
(c) This authorisation will remain in force until terminated by your written notice sent to my/our address last known to you or upon receipt of my/our written revocation through the BO.
(d) It is the BO's responsibility to inform banks upon the expiry of this authorisation and to ensure no deductions are made thereafter.
My/Our Name(s) as in Bank's record: My/Our Contact (Tel/Fax) Number(s):
✔ _______________________________ ✔ _______________________________
My/Our Account Number: My/Our Company Stamp/Signature(s)/Thumbprint(s)*:
✔  _______________________________ ✔  _______________________________
(as in bank's records)
SWIFT BIC Billing Organisation's Account Number
Billing Organisation's Reference Number
SWIFT BIC Account No. to be debited

To: Billing Organisation

This Application is hereby REJECTED (Please tick) for the following reason(s):

Signature/Thumbprint# differs from Bank's records
Signature/Thumbprint# incomplete/unclear#
Account operated by signature/thumbprint#
Wrong Account Number
Amendments not countersigned by customer/BO
Other reason(s): ______________________________
____________________________________    ______________________________ ______________________________
Name of Approving Officer Authorised Signature Date
* For thumbprints please go to the branch with your identification
# Please delete where inapplicable


GIRO is a convenient, cashless mode of payment. To help you better understand the GIRO payment method, here are some answers to the most frequently raised questions on GIRO:

1.     How do I apply for the GIRO method of repayment?

Simply fill up the GIRO application form and hand it over to:

2.     How will I know if my GIRO application is successful?

Your GIRO application is successful when the statement 'Amount will be deducted from your account on ddmmyy' appears on your bill. will inform you if the GIRO application is rejected. You can contact us to check your application status.

3.     How long will it take for my GIRO to be activated?

It will take up to 21 working days.

4.     How shall I make payment before my GIRO is activated?

You can make payment by bank transfer, cash deposit or cash payment at our office.

5.     When will a deduction be made?

All repayment deductions will only be made based on your loan contract or any other agreed payment / deduction dates between you and . The amount deducted will be reflected in your bank statement.

6.     Can I set a payment limit on my GIRO deduction?

Yes, you may indicate it on the form. The loan officer will advise you on what is a safe limit to ensure successful GIRO deductions.

7.     What will happen if I have insufficient funds?

You will be informed if there is an unsuccessful GIRO deduction and you are required to pay by bank transfer, cash deposit or by cash immediately. A $60 late fee per month may be charged for unsuccessful GIRO deduction.

8.     Can I stop the GIRO deduction for a specific repayment installment?

Yes, but you will need to make payment in advance before your payment schedule and notify us via within 5 working days before the next deduction date.

9.     What happens to the GIRO arrangement after the loan is closed?

No more GIRO deductions will be made when the loan is settled. The GIRO account can be used again for other loans with .