Registered Address: 2 Jurong East Street 21

#04-01A/B IMM Building Singapore 609601

Branch Address:


(UEN: 201842153H)


I fully understand that the submission of required documents in support of my loan application does not mean automatic approval thereof. I am aware that I will need to furnish my original copy of NRIC / Photo Identity Card to apply for my loan.

I hereby agree that Accredit Pte Limited and its related or affiliated companies (hereafter collectively referred to as "Group") may collect, use, process, disclose, and/or transfer any personal data supplied by the User in connection with this Agreement for the purposes of administering, maintaining and terminating my account and keeping me informed of updates, changes and developments relating to the services, the scope of which may include but is not limited to:

i.      administering and maintaining Borrower's account to retrieve my Statement of Account (SOA) &/or Official Receipts electronically, etc;
ii.      engaging third party service providers to perform certain aspects of the Services, not limited to customer profiling, market analysis and research purposes;
iii.      unless I notify Accredit that I do not wish to receive such information, sending from time to time information through email or SMS about my account information (SOA ready for my retrieval), & services from Accredit.
iv.      notifying me about important changes to the regulations from Ministry of Law and/or services;
v.      responding to queries or feedback from me; and
vi.      for such other purposes as permitted by applicable law or with my consent.

By applying, I authorize Accredit Pte Limited to conduct Credit Checks and verify information given in the application.
I consent Accredit Pte Limited to disclose my name, ID number, nationality, date of birth, contact details, payment records, loan application and/or related information to:

Moneylenders Credit Bureau (MLCB) operated by Experian Credit Services Singapore Pte Limited.

SME Commercial Credit Bureau (SMECB) operated by Experian Credit Services Singapore Pte Limited.

Database maintained by Credit Association of Singapore.

I also hereby grant consent to

Moneylenders Credit Bureau (MLCB) operated by Experian Credit Services Singapore Pte Limited.

SME Commercial Credit Bureau (SMECB) operated by Experian Credit Services Singapore Pte Limited.

Database maintained by Credit Association of Singapore.

to collect, store, use, combine and disclose the above information to its members and subscribers of its service to
i.      Generate the Credit Bureau Reports, and/or
ii.      Create research reports and analysis ie score, grade or rating for credit assessments, credit related analytic purpose, etc.

I hereby certify that I am not an undischarged bankrupt and there has been no statutory demand served to me or any legal proceedings commenced against me, all the data and information in this application are complete and accurate. Any falsehood information or statement in this loan application shall give rise to rejection of the loan applied.

I hereby certify that I have obtained consent from my Next of Kin(s) to furnish their contact details.

Signature of Applicant: _______________________________________
Name of Applicant:    
NRIC / FIN No. of Applicant:    
Date of Application:    

ACCREDIT PTE. LIMITED (Licence No. 51/2019)

Registered Address: 2 Jurong East Street 21

#04-01A/B IMM Building Singapore 609601

Branch Address:


(UEN: 201842153H)

Loan Application How I know about Accredit?
Loan Amount Requested : $ 0.00
Application Details
Name of Applicant
NRIC / FIN No. of Applicant
Loan Type Unsecured Secured
Reason for Borrowing
Marital Status Single Married Divorced Widowed Other
Loan Purpose Personal-Pay Day Personal-Others Personal-Medical Personal-Education
Handphone No.
Loan Category (if any) Not Applicable Debt Assistance Scheme Debt Consolidation
Employment Details
Min Wages set by Embassy:
Sri Lanka: $497 Per Month / $5,964 Per Annum
Philippine: $570 Per Month / $6,840 Per Annum
Indian: $430 Per Month / $5,160 Per Annum
Indonesia: $550 Per Month / $6,600 Per Annum
Myanmar: $450 Per Month / $5,400 Per Annum
Pay Slip Document
Yes No

Salary Paid
Regular Non Regular
How long have you been working in Singapore?:
years months
Monthly Salary: $ 0.00 Pay Day:
Address and Contact Details
Residence Address:
Postal Blk/No. Unit No.

ACCREDIT PTE. LIMITED (Licence No. 51/2019)

Registered Address: 2 Jurong East Street 21

#04-01A/B IMM Building Singapore 609601

Branch Address:


(UEN: 201842153H)

Next-of-Kin Details ( Must be above 21 years old )
Name: Contact No: Relationship:

* We will only contact Next of Kin(s) in the event that applicant is uncontactable.

Outstanding Loans with Licensed Moneylenders or Other Lenders
Name of Lender Loan Amount Payment Frequency
Bank Account Detail (if any)
Name of the Bank: Account Number:

ACCREDIT PTE. LIMITED (Licence No. 51/2019)

Registered Address: 2 Jurong East Street 21

#04-01A/B IMM Building Singapore 609601

Branch Address:


(UEN: 201842153H)

1. Please do not disclose your personal particulars, including your SingPass to anyone.
2. Do take note that as a licensed moneylender, we are not allowed to ask you to reveal, or obtain from you, your confidential passwords, including SingPass and internet banking passwords.
3. Accredit Pte Limited is a licensed moneylender approved by the Registry of Moneylenders.
4. Accredit Pte Limited does not send flyers, SMS/Whatsapp or call you stating that we provide loans services as it is against the laws and regulations. We would only communicate with you through SMS / Whatsapp or call you on matters pertaining to your outstanding loans with us.
5. In the event you have received loans advertisement stating that it is from Accredit Pte Limited, please ignore it and inform us immediately.
7. Please call us at our office number should you need any verification.

Borrower’s Declaration & Acknowledgment
I, the undersigned, hereby confirm that I have read, and it was clearly explained to me, and I have understood the above.
I hereby declare that the information given here by me are true and correct.
I accept that it is my responsibility to keep Accredit Pte Limited updated on any changes to my personal particulars an immediate basis.
Is there any other individual or company that will benefit from the loan Yes No
Are you a politically-exposed person? Yes No
Any Bankruptcy / Pending Writ of Summons / Lawsuits? Yes No
Have you ever been convicted of a crime before? Yes No

Signature of Borrower: _______________________________________
Name of Borrower:    
NRIC / FIN No of Borrower:    
Date of Application: