(Licence No. )


T: | E:

(UEN: )


I fully understand that the submission of required documents in support of my loan application does not mean automatic approval thereof. I am aware that I will need to furnish my original copy of NRIC upon application for my loan.

I hereby agrees that HS Credit Pte Ltd and its related or affiliated companies (hereafter collectively referred to as "Group") may collect, use, process, disclose, and/or transfer any personal data supplied by the User in connection with this Agreement for the purposes of administering, maintaining and terminating my account and keeping me informed of updates, changes and developments relating to the services, the scope of which may include but is not limited to:

  1. administering and maintaining Borrower's account to retrieve my Statement of Account (SOA) &/or Official Receipts electronically, etc;
  2. engaging third party service providers to perform certain aspects of the Services, not limited to customer profiling, market analysis and research purposes;
  3. unless I notify HS Credit Pte Ltd that I do not wish to receive such information, sending from time-to-time information through email or SMS about my account information (SOA ready for my retrieval) and services from HS Credit Pte Ltd;
  4. notifying me about important changes to the regulations from Ministry of Law and/or services;
  5. responding to queries or feedback from me; and
  6. for such other purposes as permitted by applicable law or with my consent.

By applying, I authorize HS Credit Pte Ltd to conduct Credit Checks and verify information given in the application.

I consent HS Credit Pte Ltd to disclose my name, ID number, nationality, date of birth, contact details, payment records, loan application and/or related information to:

Moneylenders Credit Bureau (MLCB) operated by Credit Bureau Singapore (CBS)

I also hereby grant consent to

Moneylenders Credit Bureau (MLCB) operated by Credit Bureau Singapore (CBS)

I hereby certify that I am not an undischarged bankrupt and there has been no statutory demand served to me or any legal proceedings commenced against me, all the data and information in this application are complete and accurate. Any falsehood information or statement in this loan application shall give rise to rejection of the loan applied.

I hereby consent HS Credit Pte Ltd to keep this Loan Application Form; and a copy of every document supporting the application received by us on or after the appointed day- (i) in a case where the loan application is not approved, for a period of 5 years after the date on which the form or copy is received; or (ii) in a case where the loan application is approved, for a period of 5 years after the date on which the loan is fully repaid or on which the contract for the loan is otherwise terminated

Signature of Applicant:

Name of Applicant:

NRIC/FIN No. of Applicant:

Date of Application:

(Licence No. )


T: | E:

(UEN: )

Application Details
Loan Application How did I get to know HS Credit? Loan Amount Requested: S$

Application Details
Name (as in NRIC/Passport)
ID Type NRIC / FIN No.
Nationality   Gender  Female  Male
Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy)